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Showing posts from June, 2020

How was Sushant as boss? Learn the heartfelt message of the actor's manager

News of Sushant Singh Rajput's suicide is still hard for his family and fans to accept. The whole country is virtually shocked by the untimely death of this star. In 34 years, the mountain-like fame, the love of so many fans, family, bright future - everything is soon left behind, no one can understand why Sushant took such an extreme decision as suicide! Police have already recorded the statement of Siddharth Pithani, the actor's creative manager, in the case of Sushant's suicide. After the star's death, his creative manager wrote a touching post about 'boss' Sushant Singh Rajput on social media. No one is unaware of Sushant's madness about space and physics, he used to sit all night looking at the moon. The house has an LX600 telescope. Whatever he looked at, he saw Saturn's rings, stars, eyes in the galaxy. And many times Sushant's manager would be his companion to wake up this night. Siddharth is framing many pictures of Sushant keeping a

India's major move, Rail cancels Rs 417 crore deal with Chinese company

Railways take big step in protest of Chinese aggression. 417 crore contract with Chinese company canceled. Freight corridor up to Kanpur-Deendayal Upadhyay. Chinese company excludes construction of 417 km long freight corridor. The Chinese company was in charge of signaling and telecom. That agreement was canceled by the Freight Corridor Corporation. source: