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Drishti App

100 people can make video calls at once, such an app was created by Arnab Modak, a Bengali secondary examinee.The name of the app is Drishti App .

What does this app do?
This app has the facility to make video calls to about 100 people at once. The Drishti App is already available on the Google Play Store. Most notably, the Drishti app allows you to talk to up to 100 people at once, as well as run conversations for as long as you like. Most of the apps in the market where you can talk for half an hour or a little more. Arnab claims that there is no risk of data theft from this app. Note that all those apps have been canceled due to allegations of data theft from Chinese apps.

In the words of Arnab, 'This app is very useful for those who want to study online. This app will work very efficiently not only for study but also for office work. Note that the rating agency of the mobile app, International Edge Rating Coalition, has given 3.5 rating to Arnab's 'Drishti app.Arnab has passed the secondary examination from Jalsara Ramakrishna High School in Ghatal this year. He was supposed to make an app that came to his mind after the Indo-China conflict in Ladakh. He said that he has been working day and night for the last several days. Some days he ran for 16 to 18 hours to make his dream come true. Hobby has given the name of the app 'Drishti'!

Arnab said he will study software in the future. With the whole family. In the words of Arnab's father Haradhan Modak, 'He is always good in studies. Loves mobile. But he did not fail in his studies. The result of the secondary. We will be by his side in whatever he wants to do in the future. I am proud of him.

powered by: Microzenith 


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